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CPRE Sussex responds to Waste & Minerals Plan consultation

East Sussex County Council, Brighton & Hove Council and the South Downs National Park Authority have been consulting on a planned update of their joint Waste & Minerals Plan, that dates back to 2013.

CPRE Sussex has responded to that consultation draft update.  Our key points are that:

  •  the Draft Plan does not provide the required protection of protected landscapes
  •  Climate Change Policy WMP24 is no longer fit for purpose.  In order to remain sound, it requires up-dating to reflect the Authorities’ obligations to contribute to achieving national and your own local net zero emissions targets. We provide a detailed rationale and suggestions as to how the Plan’s current climate change policy needs reform to respond to the climate change emergency recognised by all three Authorities.

CPRE’s detailed representation letter dated 3 August 2020 can be viewed at: CPRE Sussex Response to ESCC Joint Waste Minerals 2020