Protect the environment – stop Balcombe fracking
You can object to Angus Energy’s appeal against refusal of permission for fracking by 17 March.
Angus Energy has belatedly appealed the unanimous decision a year ago by West Sussex County Council’s Planning Committee to refuse it permission to continue exploring for oil in the High Weald Area of Outstanding Natural Beauty (AONB) at Balcombe in Mid Sussex.
This is, of course, a disappointing development. We trust that the Planning Inspectorate considering the appeal will be as robust as West Sussex County Council in turning the appeal down.
CPRE Sussex has submitted a representation to the Planning Inspector opposing the grant of the appeal, principally on the grounds that it would be incompatible with the planning rules designed to conserve and enhance AONBs and protect them from major development; and on the basis of the proposals’ incompatibility with our vital national and local climate change mitigation objectives.
The people of Balcombe have had the unwelcome prospect of becoming an oil town for a decade or more now, and it is high time to bring this threat to their way of life to a close.
Read: CPRE Sussex representation Balcombe appeal 4.3.2022
See also: original objection to Angus Energy application: CPRE Sussex objection to Balcombe application 23.9.2020
Let the Planning Inspectorate know your views on the appeal by the closing date of 17 March. Go to:, quoting the appeal reference APP/P3800/W/21/3282246.