A29 ‘Bypass’ Response 2019
The CPRE Arun group has responded to the recent consultation on the A29 to highlight concerns about the funding and phasing of the road and the impact on the natural environment.
Chairman Michael Warden said
“I believe it is the Government’s responsibility to provide the monies required to construct a decent re-aligned A29, as they are advocating the totally improbable and inflated number of houses to be achieved within the District. Reliance on private sector finance for phase 2 could mean that the road is constructed in a piecemeal manner leading to increased congestion, disruption, and air pollution. Why are other major and significant road improvements throughout the country funded by Central Government whilst investment in much needed infrastructure is ignored in this area, where Authorities are required to allocate so much housing?”
“When I attended a presentation of the A29 at Barnham Community Hall, I was absolutely astounded by several statements which were displayed, one said that Air Quality WOULD be improved by constructing this road. I beg to differ, as all the existing traffic, together with increase in traffic from the major housing developments that it actually runs right through will greatly increasing traffic flow and add to the degradation of air quality.”
“Another statement that was displayed stating that there would be no adverse impact on biodiversity. Of course, there would be an impact, if you dig up the land, lay roads and build houses, you have an enormous impact on biodiversity and no amount of mitigation can make up for the disruption of wildlife, insects, bugs etc, all of which are disappearing fast as we destroy our agricultural land.”
“CPRE are aware that the suggestion to move the proposed A29 to the East and link up with the new Bognor Regis relief road will raise concerns for the residents of the ancient Hamlet of Flansham, who have already seen an increase in road noise from the BRRR. There must be a commitment to provide decent sound reduction surfaces and sound barriers/screening if this route is chosen. Even more reason for our Government to have a financial input.”
Download the response
CPRE Sussex Arun response [PDF 256KB]