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400 houses plan east of Westergate ignores affordability and biodiversity

Application AL/11/24/OUT seeks permission for up to 400 houses and access works. It affects the setting of listed buildings, a conservation area and rights of way.

This is a hybrid application consisting of: 1) Outline permission for all matters reserved (except access) for up to 400 No dwellings and associated works and 2) Full planning permission for alterations to site access off Westergate Street and through Pine Close and east-west link road including a bridge over the Lidsey Rife. This application also lies within the parish of Barnham, falls within Strategic Site SD5, CIL Zone 1 (Zero Rated), affects the setting of listed buildings, affects the character and appearance of the Eastergate Church Lane Conservation Area, affects public rights of way. This application is the subject of an Environmental Statement

Issues raised in the CPRE Sussex objection to the application relate to inadequate provision for affordable housing; no evidence of biodiversity net gain proposals and no Biodiversity Net Gain report; lack of consideration of the importance of hedgerows in the landscape and for biodiversity; contrary to Natural England and Defra Guidance, bird surveys were not undertaken at the site during the required months – so a full on-site survey including wintering birds is needed plus an assessment of impacts on rare and threatened species.

Read: CPRE Sussex Representation AL 11 24 OUT

CPRE Sussex has also submitted a Supplementary Representation relating to storm outflow spills form the Lidsey WwTW into the Lidsey Rife Biodiversity Opportunity Area:

2021: 86 times for 1,411 hours (58.8 days);

2022: 78 times for 1579.05 hours (65.8 days);

2023: 164 times for 3485.26 hours (160.3 days: 5 months).

Read: CPRE Sussex Supplementary Representation re AL 11 24 OUT