Celebrating new trees in Elm Grove, Brighton
Hanover Action Group came together with Plant Your Postcode volunteers to celebrate the planting of three new trees in Elm Grove.
The large Turkish hazel saplings were planted to replace elms lost to disease in memory of Neil Smith.
The planting on 29 January was supported by staff from Brighton and Hove City Council and CPRE Sussex.
Les Gunbie from Hanover Action – Towards a Sustainable Community said: “The sun shone on us as we celebrated the planting of three Turkish hazel trees at the bottom of Elm Grove, in Hanover, Brighton.
“Hanover Action – Towards a Sustainable Community and Plant Your Postcode, together with support from tree staff at Brighton and Hove City Council, were pleased to be able to plant these trees, funded by a sum of money from the estate of the late Neil Smith.
“The trees will be a living legacy to Neil and there for the enjoyment – and eventually shade – of all.”
Plant Your Postcode is an exciting CPRE Sussex initiative to increase the number of trees on streets and in parks throughout towns and cities across Sussex.
Initially focussing on the Brighton & Hove area, it is hoped the project will be rolled out more widely in time.
Find out more about Plant Your Postcode at cpresussex.org.uk/news/plant-your-postcode