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CPRE Sussex defends green space in Worthing

12th October 2020

CPRE Sussex has objected to the application for mixed use development on land north west of Goring railway station, Goring Road, Worthing.


The proposed development (planning application AWDM/1264/20) lies within the Chatsmore Farm Local Green Gap; The area has drainage issues and there is a risk of flooding. CPRE Sussex argues that the application for outline planning permission for 475 dwellings should be refused because it would harm the setting of the South Downs National Park; harm the landscape and historic assets of Highdown Garden and Highdown Hill Camp; impact negatively on biodiversity; reduce the amenity of footpaths; and reduce the view of the valuable gap in development along the coastal plain.


CPRE Sussex Objection AWDM.1264.20 Ferring Goring gap

75% Groundwater Map by Adur DC