CPRE Sussex asks Sussex MPs to back ‘sewerage before development’ campaign
CPRE Sussex has written to MPs across the county asking them to back its ‘sewerage before development’ campaign.
The letter highlights the results of a recent survey by the charity which found four in five councils across the county are affected by diffuse sewage flooding with waste bubbling up into homes, gardens and streets.
It calls on MPs to help ensure efforts to address housing affordability do not make sewage spills worse.
CPRE Sussex is calling for sewerage infrastructure to be in place before new housing developments are allowed to proceed. This could be achieved by using pre-commencement conditions, also known as Grampian conditions.
The letter, sent to MPs this week, asks them to write to the government, requesting changes in national planning policy to make this the normal approach, as well as taking up the matter with local councils, the Environment Agency and Southern Water.
Find out more about the sewerage before development campaign here.
Letter to MPs
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