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Plant Your Postcode December 2020 Update

Plans for more trees in Brighton & Hove

Sylvan Hall Estate community orchard

Great plans to plant a community orchard at Sylvan Hall off Ditchling Road in January were foiled by Covid 19. The fruit trees have kindly been kept safe at the nursery and the hedging plants, donated by the Woodland Trust, heeled into one of our volunteer’s allotments for the duration.

The plan is now to plant on Sunday, January 17th 2021, Covid permitting.

We will be looking for volunteers so let us know if you’d like to help. Numbers will be limited to allow social distancing.

Hove Primary School

The school is on Portland Road, one of the main east-west roads into the city. The high volume of traffic has caused rising levels of pollution in the playground, a serious concern for the children’s health.

The School’s Parent Teacher Association approached us and asked for help with selecting planting for a hedge to reduce pollution and screen the playground and for help with fundraising.

We offered advice and donated to the planting funds and a lovely thick evergreen hedge was planted in November that will both protect the children and make a much needed green addition to one of the city’s less leafy areas.

Funding bids
Together with Hove Civic Society, we submitted two big bids for funds to the government’s Green Recovery Fund. Our ‘Urban Elms’ project bid was not successful this time, although a similar bid we were involved in for trees in Eastbourne happily was and the project ‘Treebourne’ is planning to plant over 14,000 trees with the help of local volunteers.

We are still waiting to hear if a submission we made as one of ten cities under the umbrella of the Trees for Cities ‘Forgotten Places’ project has been successful.