South Downs National Park Update August 2020
One aspect of the South Downs National Park Authority’s activity and the new appointments to the Authority are reported below. You can read about other activities on the South Downs National Park Authority website.
Sustainable Construction Supplementary Planning Document (SPD).
The South Downs National Park Authority has adopted a Sustainable Construction Supplementary Planning Document (SPD).
The SPD provides further guidance to support the implementation of the South Downs Local Plan policies, in particular Policy SD2: Ecosystem Services, Policy SD3 Major Development, Policy SD22: Parking Provision (where it relates to electric vehicle charging), Policy SD48 Climate Change and Sustainable Use of Resources.
The SPD therefore supports Local Plan Objective 6: To adapt well to and mitigate against the impacts of climate change and other pressures. It covers a number of detailed matters relating to new development including: energy and water efficiency, the use of low or zero carbon energy, use of sustainable materials, minimising waste and measures for adapting to climate change.
Having adopted the SPD, it is a material consideration for relevant planning applications.
Adopted Sustainable Construction SPD
Adoption-Statement-25 August 2020
New appointments to the South Downs National Park Authority
Five new members were appointed to the Authority in July.
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