Spatial options for Lewes District Local Plan are ‘developer-inspired’
The Lewes District Local Plan is currently at the Regulation 18 consultation stage.
The ‘Towards a Local Plan Spatial Strategy and Policies Directions’ document states that it marks a key stage in the plan making process and provides the basis for consultation with residents, businesses and organisations on how the Council should develop the plan area for the future. The document outlines the preferred vision, aims and key planning issues affecting the plan area, as well as proposed policy directions for addressing these and potential locations for new development and growth.
Lewes District Council has been seeking views on the preferred policy directions and options for growth. The Council has also invited thoughts on whether there are any additional policies or growth options we should be considering.
The CPRE Sussex response to the consultation makes the following key points:
While there is a willingness to not just accept the Government’s ‘Standard Method’ housing target, and some positive thinking on climate change, at this stage it appears heavily, and unfortunately, developer-inspired in its ‘spatial options’, and lacks basic information such as housing targets for individual towns and villages.
Astonishingly at this stage, the plan keeps alive the likelihood of significant new developments on greenfield sites in and around Low Weald villages. One positive feature is that the ‘Eton Mess’ new town proposal on the edge of the South Downs National Park is not supported.
Lewes District Plan Regulation 18 submission by CPRE Sussex
Lewes District Council: Towards a Local Plan spatial strategy and policies directions (Regulation 18 consultation)