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Countryside groups fight to protect countryside against planning reforms

4th November 2020

CPRE Sussex is among countryside groups responding to the government’s consultation on reforms to the planning system.

CPRE Sussex argues that the Government’s plans to reform the planning system will not solve the housing crisis, particularly the need for affordable housing, and could be catastrophic for the Sussex countryside. It warns that  thousands of acres of rural Sussex could be handed over to developers, who will be able to build without going through the full planning process.

The reforms proposed in the Planning for the Future White Paper threaten local democracy, local green space and the ability of local communities to deliver affordable homes.

In its response to the government’s consultation on the White Paper, CPRE Sussex endorses the CPRE national response and highlights concerns about environmental evidence and the need for affordable housing.

CPRE has been working with Wildlife and Countryside Link and ACRE in responding to the consultation.


CPRE Sussex response to Planning White Paper

CPRE national response to Planning White Paper

Wildlife and Countryside Link response to Planning White Paper

ACRE response to Planning White Paper

Wildlife and Countryside Link briefing on Importance of site specific surveys

See also our previous post about the White Paper: