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Horsham DC urged to refuse Horsham Golf Park planning application

Application DC/23/1178: CPRE Sussex urges refusal of the planning application on grounds of water neutrality issues; conflict with local plan policies; lack of sustainable energy provision; and ecology and biodiversity, particularly the need for a bird survey.

This is an outline planning application for development at the Horsham Golf Park (Denne Park, Horsham, West Sussex RH13 0AX) with all matters reserved save for access for the development of a Sports and Leisure Hub including the provision of communal facilities, nursery, Golf College, sports club house (containing Health & Fitness spa, changing facilities and food & beverage) and an educational facility for Warren Clark Golfing Dreams (Use Classes E, F1 & F2); a local centre containing a convenience store and co-working space (Use Classes E & F2); the provision of supporting landscaping, open space and related infrastructure; outdoor sports and leisure provision comprising Driving Range, reprovision of golf (including supporting golf facilities) and hockey (including pitches and training area) (Use Class F2) all supported by the delivery of up to 800 homes (Use Class C3).

Read details of the CPRE Sussex objection to the planning application on grounds of water neutrality issues; conflict with local plan policies; lack of sustainable energy provision; and ecology and biodiversity: DC 23 1178 CPRE Sussex Representation OBJECTION