Look forward to a better transport future
This week is Better Transport Week. It’s designed to bring partners together to celebrate sustainable transport.
Better Transport Week is organised by the Campaign for Better Transport. Its Chief Executive says: “Sustainable transport does amazing things. It shrinks traffic jams, cleans up our air and tackles climate change. It improves our health and boosts our economy. It connects us to the things that matter.”
CPRE Sussex strongly supports sustainable transport.
As part of the Better Transport Week celebrations, for a short while the Transport Action Network is discounting tickets to its annual conference on ‘Transport, climate, action’. Discounted tickets are £10. For that you get all-day refreshments and a lunch as well as great company and inspiring talks and discussions.
Contributors at the conference include Roger Harrabin (former BBC environment correspondent), Professor Glenn Lyons (University of the West of England) and Claire Haigh (Greener Vision).
The conference is on Saturday, 30th September at the NCVO offices, Society Building, 8 All Saints Street, London N1 9RL. Travel bursaries are available.
The discount ends at 11:30pm on Sunday 18th June, so hurry!
Get involved:
Read about the conference and book your ticket: www.eventbrite.co.uk/e/transport-climate-action-tickets-600836115997?dm_i=78W4,GMER,1GQKYL,22VC5,1
Find out more about Better Transport Week: https://bettertransport.org.uk/better-transport-week/