Planning objection: land north of Horsham
Read CPRE Sussex’s objection to a planning application to build 197 new homes on greenfield land
Dr Roger Smith, CPRE Sussex Trustee, has submitted a representation to Horsham District Council on behalf of CPRE Sussex objecting to:
Land North of Horsham RM Area 2 Old Holbrook Horsham West Sussex
Reserved matters application for the erection of 197 residential dwellings with associated parking, landscaping and open space following approval of outline application DC/16/1677, relating to layout, scale, appearance and landscaping
The objections are on the grounds of:
- The low proportion of affordable housing
- The failure to meet energy and sustainability standards
- The detrimental effect the development will have on the local landscape
- The plan’s failure to meet its own meet its own design principles in respect of existing legislation
- The plan’s failure – in several aspects – to adhere to guidance on biodiversity