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Save ancient woodland at Hammerpond Road, Horsham

CPRE Sussex has objected to planning application DC/22/0511 (land at Hammerpond Road, Horsham, West Sussex, RH13 6PJ) for change of use of woodland for siting five eco-lodges as part of a farm diversification scheme.

CPRE Sussex’s concerns and reasons for objecting to the proposed development are that it is Ancient Woodland within the Area of Outstanding Natural Beauty and is within the Sussex North Water Supply Zone.

Key points are:

Ancient Woodland is irreplaceable. Accordingly, whether the proposed scheme could or would harm or result in the loss of the Ancient Woodland’s flora, fauna and habitats within and outside of the site is a significant material consideration in the deciding of this application.

Whether the mitigation measures presented in the applicant’s Water Neutrality Statement would really achieve water neutrality is questionable and should be determined by Natural England.

Read: CPRE Sussex Objection to DC 22 0511