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CPRE Sussex welcomes Arun District design guide

21st February 2020

CPRE Sussex endorses welcomes the importance attached in the draft design guide to transforming places, enhancing lives and improving the natural environment.

CPRE Sussex agrees with the view expressed in the introduction to the guide that: ‘despite the opportunities that the district has to offer, many recent schemes have been developed according to a largely standardised and generic set of blueprints and design principles driven by shareholder profits rather than what is best for the people and communities of Arun. These developments arguably lack innovation, character, quality and future adaptability and ignore the unique characteristics of the district that were present prior to their construction’.

This aligns with a recent CPRE report which found that 75% of new housing across England was of ‘mediocre’ or ‘poor’ design and that less affluent comunities are ten times more likely to get worse design.

You can read A housing design audit for England. and the full report at:

CPRE Sussex recommended the future revisions to the Arun Local Plan should refer to the design guide.

You can find the Arun District Design Guide documents at:

You can download the CPRE Sussex response to the draft design guide:

CPRE Sussex response Arun Design Guide 2020