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Chichester District Update November 2021

CPRE Sussex activity in Chichester District

A number of planning applications have been made on the Manhood Peninsula in Chichester District and across the flat coastal plain. In addition to CPRE Sussex and the Manhood Wildlife and Heritage Group (MWHG), other organisations objecting to inappropriate planning include Save Our South Coast Alliance (SOSCA) and MANPEG.  

Objections have been submitted to Chichester District Council concerning:

Land at Charmans Field, Runcton, West Sussex PO20 1LJ – Hybrid Planning Application – Phase 1 (Full application) comprising 26 residential dwellings, new access from Lagness Road, public open space, landscaping, sustainable urban drainage and associated works. Outline planning application for further phases of up to 87 dwellings and associated infrastructure (with all matters reserved). See:

Impacts would include increased traffic along the B2166 joining the B2145 from Selsey/Hunston.

Sewage discharges by Southern Water:

At 6 October 2021, Sidlesham Waste Water Treatment Works had been overflowing for 177 hours and Pagham for 25 hours. Development in North Mundham and Runcton will increase the pressure on the Pagham Waste Water Treatment Works.

Planning Application Update:

Following Chichester District Council’s refusal to approve the 20/02491/OUT – Outline planning application for residential development of 70 dwellings, Land to The West of Church Road, Church Road, West Wittering, West Sussex the developers, Welbeck Strategic Land, have submitted an appeal:

If you wish to object to or support these applications please use the links to go to the CDC website.


Three Chidham and Hambrook housing applications have been rejected by Chichester District Council. The three Pallant Homes sites (total 294 houses) were in Drift Lane (68 houses), Broad Road (132 houses and Pottery Lane (94). Multiple reasons for the refusal were cited, including loss of open countryside, merging of settlements, poor access, urbanisation of the area, conflict with Local and Neighbourhood Plan policies, wildlife corridors and habitat damage. In particular, the lack of capacity for sewage treatment at Thornham works was critical.  The ecological statement was very poor, in our opinion, relying on a very short visit and missing important aspects of the location.

Natural England’s Position Statement for Applications within the Sussex North Water Supply Zone:

The Parish Councils in the North of the Sussex District Council – Kirdford, Loxwood, Plaistow and Ifold, and Wisborough Green – are now faced with problems arising from the provision of water by the local water company and its pumping station at Hardham on the River Arun.  Not only are people affected, but this area is a Special Protection Area, a European site designated for its important invertebrate fauna including dragonflies.

See the area affected on the Map showing the part of Chichester District (and surrounding area) within the Sussex North Water supply zone at:

This has led to a pause in planning applications being considered and the process for considering Neighbourhood Plans. 

Natural England has issued a statement to the local Parish Councils and Chichester District. See: