CPRE Sussex advises refusal of development west of Bewley Road, Angmering
Application A/154/24/OUT is for outline planning application with all matters reserved (except access from Bewley Road) for the construction of up to 190 residential dwellings and a community building (Use Class E (d,e) or F2(b)), together with the provision of open space, landscaping and associated infrastructure.
The developer has acknowledged that the application is a departure from the Development Plan, may affect a Public Right of Way, may affect the character and appearance of the Angmering Conservation Area and may affect the setting of Listed Buildings.
CPRE Sussex has requested that Arun District Council should refuse the application for numerous reasons including:
- It does not meet the policies in the local plan for the location of development and protection of the countryside
- The proposal could cause serious habitat damage. The applicant’s Ecological Impact Assessment (EcIA) is incomplete and contrary to Natural England advice necessary bird surveys have not been carried out. .
- It is questionable whether there will be sufficient wastewater treatment and related infrastructure capacity to receive and treat sewerage from the development without storm overflows or discharges of untreated or partially treated sewerage into water courses.