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Land north west of Southwater: CPRE Sussex objection to development

CPRE Sussex asks that the application, which sidesteps the Horsham District local plan making process, be refused for numerous reasons.

DC/22/1916 is outline application with all matters reserved for a mixed use strategic development to include demolition of existing buildings and erection of up to 1,500 dwellings, up to 15,750 sqm (GIA) of flexible employment space (Use Classes E/B2/B8), up to 2,900 sqm (GIA) flexible community facilities (Use Classes E/F1/F2); education facilities; sports facilities; 5 gypsy and traveller pitches; public open space; landscaping and related infrastructure.

Reasons for the objection by CPRE Sussex include departures from the local plan; the impact that 1500 more homes would have on the stability and cohesion of the community; issues around water neutrality and sewage pollution in rivers from storm overflows.

Read full objection: DC 22 1916 CPRE Sussex Objection