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Planning application for clay quarry and recycling facility, Loxwood

Objection to planning application WSCC/030/21 at Pallinghurst Woods, Loxwood Road, Loxwood, West Sussex, RH14 0RW

The application is for planning permission for a clay quarry and construction materials recycling facility (CMRF) for CD&E wastes including the use of an existing access from Loxwood Road, the extraction and exportation of clay and restoration using suitable recovered materials from the CMRF to nature conservation interest including woodland, waterbodies, and wetland habitats

CPRE Sussex asks that the application be refused because, in summary:
– The proposed clay quarry does not comply with and is contrary to the West Sussex Joint Minerals Plan (JMLP), July 2018 (Partial Review March 2021) Policy M5: Clay (a).
– Overall, the proposed development, including proposals for habitat retention, creation and enhancement, is predicted to result in a net loss of -35.77Bus, equivalent to -36.59%.
– Ancient woodland is irreplaceable, and there is no evidence to prove that the loss of the Site’s ancient woodland/ ancient semi-natural woodland/ plantations on ancient woodland, can be successfully mitigated.
– If permitted, the scheme would result in the loss of irreplaceable ancient woodland habitats.
– There are no wholly exceptional reasons, or benefits, for permitting the scheme.
– The scheme is contrary to NPPF (Revised July 2021), paragraph 180 c) and does not comply with the requirements of JMLP Policy M17: Biodiversity and Geodiversity, stipulations (a) and (b).

Read: CPRE Sussex Objection WSCC 030 21 Pallinghurst Woods