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Tell us where you’d like Quiet Lanes

9th February 2021

Since the arrival of Covid-19, have you been able to get out and enjoy our wonderful countryside a bit more than before​? Does getting out give you a real boost to your physical and mental health? But have you noticed that there are problems?

A number of people have got in touch with us, having concerns about drivers’ speed and indifference to walkers, cyclists and horse-riders. Plus the fact that at this time of year many of people’s favourite footpaths are impassable because of mud.

This made us think that we ought to campaign for what we call ‘Quiet Lanes’ or ‘Greenways’.  These are usually C or undesignated roads where for certain stretches it would be possible to create signage and have the necessary regulations to ensure speeds of vehicles are limited to 20 mph.

‘Twenty’s plenty!’ as they say in urban housing areas.

Some County Councils, Kent for instance around Sevenoaks along the Greensand ridge, fifteen years ago started a modest network of Green Lanes. In Gloucestershire, the National  Trust had success in promoting Quiet Lanes around one of its properties. The National Trust report says;

“Their designation as Quiet Lanes, with a 20mph limit came about after protracted and heated discussion between local residents, the Parish Council, and Gloucestershire County Council Highways in 2009.

Highways refused to sanction such low speed limits in a rural area, despite the Transport Act 2000 (38/S268) suggesting it could be allowed. But eventually, with support from local County Councillors, the scheme was introduced with bespoke signage in 2010.”

So it can be done – what we want to do in CPRE Sussex is to identify areas where Quiet Lanes can be introduced.  And with success at a local level perhaps the momentum can gather pace – but only up to 20 mph!

Email and share your ideas.


CPRE Guide to Quiet Lanes