Countryside charity reaches out to new MPs
CPRE Sussex calls on newly elected MPs to back the countryside, nature and affordable housing in parliament.
Campaigners have written to newly elected MPs across Sussex asking them to back the countryside and promote sustainable development policies.
CPRE Sussex has asked MPs for meetings to set out its key asks over the next four years. The asks are based on the charity’s pre-election manifesto including:
- Backing the rapid rollout of rooftop solar.
- Stopping airport expansion, including the new runway at Gatwick.
- More funding for nature-friendly farming.
- Abolishing “hope value” to help local authorities build social housing.
The letters to MPs were sent as the new Chancellor was setting out her plans “to get Britain building again”. The charity emphasised the need to protect nature, water and climate, and to get genuinely affordable homes rather than simply ripping up the planning rules on behalf of developers.
Read CPRE Sussex election manifesto:
CPRE Sussex has also launched a tool which allows anyone living in Sussex to contact their newly elected MP. The tool includes draft text which can be edited and personalised to allow each letter writer to highlight their own countryside priorities.
Access the letter writing tool at:
Read full press release: Press release Call to new MPs
Call to new MPs.
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