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CPRE Noise Attitudes Survey 2020

28th November 2020

Rural respondents, and those who live where they do for quiet surroundings, are consistently more affected by aircraft noise than urban/suburban respondents and those living where they do for other reasons.

Between January and June 2020, CPRE Sussex conducted an aviation noise attitudes survey as part of the work of the CPRE Network Aviation Group (CPRE NAvG.) There were 821 responses to the survey which was open to participants across England and not limited to Sussex. It is important to note that this period coincided with ‘lockdown’ in response to the Covid-19 epidemic and during much of this period planes were not flying.

Key findings from the survey:

  • 74% would not be willing to have planes fly over their home to give respite to those currently overflown
  • 76% of respondents are more concerned about climate change now than they were 3 years ago
  • 86% of respondents would be willing to fly less to combat climate change.

Read the survey report: